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Salted Maple Pecans

The other day I was making these pecan pie bars for like, the hundredth time, when I pulled the toasted nuts out of the oven. I wanted one, but I knew without a little help it would taste blah – I drizzled a few with maple syrup and a sprinkle of kosher salt and gobbled them up – heavenly. I needed a way to make that same flavor in an easy, big batch. 

An egg white helps the nuts crunch up and stretches the maple syrup so you don’t have to overdo that measurement. The salt is crucial – it makes the nuts the special kind of addictive that I was hoping for.

Now, you might be asking, what would one do with these? An obvious thought is a snack for your kids. My daughter would rather play than eat so since the beginning I’ve been partial to healthy, high calorie options – nuts have always topped the list. Full of healthy fats and protein, they pack a punch (just a handful is well over 100 calories).

You can throw them on top of salads, roasted sweet potatoes or pancakes/waffles to insert them into daily meals, or serve them with your favorite cheese (would be awesome with brie and berries) for a fancy appetizer. They can be made days ahead and pulled out when you need them!

Salted Maple Pecans

Makes 2 1/2 c. 

2 1/2 c. pecans

1 egg white

1/3 c. maple syrup

3/4 tsp. kosher salt

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Spread nuts on baking sheet lined with parchment or silpat and bake for 8 minutes.

2. In a medium mixing bowl, whisk egg white and maple syrup until combined. Add nuts to mixture and toss to coat.


3. Spread nuts on baking sheet. Sprinkle evenly with salt. Return to oven.


4. Bake ten minutes. Stir to break up nuts and return to oven for 5 more minutes.


5. While nuts bake, spread a second sheet of parchment (waxed paper would work here as well) on a countertop. Remove from oven and remove nuts with a spoon, spreading on parchment/waxed paper and spacing evenly.


6. Let cool completely and store in airtight container.

